May 8, 2021

May 8, 2021

May 8, 2021

20 Essential Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts

20 Essential Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts

20 Essential Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts




Illustrator & Video Production

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most popular video editing programs on the market today. Everyone from students to Hollywood filmmakers use the program to create stunning videos.

As with any type of software, it’s always nice to find shortcuts that make your work easier. Shortcuts can speed up your workflow immensely. Even just a few quick keyboard shortcuts can shave minutes off of your editing time.

Premiere Pro on the Cloud

If you’re looking to speed up your video production, check out these top 20 Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts:

1. Open Import Menu

The first of our favorite Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts makes it easy to import your video footage quickly: use CTRL + I or CMD + I to open the import menu.

2. Video Grouping

Grouping video is a big part of video editing when dealing with many clips. It can be tough to deal with maneuvering pieces of video and audio when they all have to move together. Use CTRL + G or CMD + G to create a new group to ensure it all moves as one.

3. Switching to Adobe Bridge

Handling your workflow is much easier with Adobe Bridge, so you may find yourself using both Bridge and Premier Pro together. If you need to switch over to Adobe Bridge while you’re editing, just click CTRL + ALT + O or OPT + CMD + O.

4. Create New Sequences

Sequences make it easy to group your scenes together based on what’s happening. When it’s the time in your video production to create a new sequence, do it fast with CTRL + N or CMD + N.

5. Match Video Attributes

No need to match the attributes on a clip to those of another clip, just use CTRL + ALT + V or OPT + CMD + V to paste the attributes of a selected clip.

6. Cutting Footage

Cutting footage is a very common part of video editing. Premiere Pro makes it easy for a videographer to choose where to cut: Just hit C to access the cutter.

7. Play/Pause Footage

Playing and pausing your footage can be a hassle as your edit, especially if you keep using the mouse to hit play or pause. Toggle between playing and pausing your footage with the SPACEBAR instead.

8. Undo Edits

Made a mistake while editing? No worries! Just hit CTRL + Z or CMD + Z to undo it, just like with most other programs.

9. Redo

Want to redo what you just did? Select CTRL + SHIFT + Z or CMD + SHIFT + Z to get back to where you were a moment ago.

10. Duplicate Footage

Need to duplicate part of your video? Hit CTRL + SHIFT or SHIFT + CMD to create an exact copy of any piece of footage.

11. Batch Capturing

For a videographer, capturing an entire batch of clips at once can save tons of time. Batch capturing is super easy in Premiere Pro: Just hit F5.

12. Speed Up/Slow Down Footage

Speeding up or slowing down your footage is a great way to change the feel of a clip. Adjust the speed or duration of your video with CTRL + R or CMD + R.

13. Ripple Delete

A ripple delete allows you to remove a piece of footage and realign the rest instantly. Just hit SHIFT + DELETE or SHIFT + FORWARD + DELETE.

14. Rendering Effects

Adding effects is a big part of video editing. Rendering effects in the work area is easy with the ENTER or RETURN buttons.

15. Apply Video Transitions

Every videographer knows the importance of transitions and how they can really up the visual appeal of a movie. Apply a video transition easily by selecting CTRL + D or CMD + D.

16. Apply Audio Transitions

Apply an audio transition in a similar way: Just use CTRL + SHIFT + D or CMD + SHIFT + D.

17. Edit Original Files

Sometimes the original video file needs to be changed. If you need to edit an original file, just do CTRL + E or CMD.

18. Create Subclips

On occasion, you may need to make changes to just a part of the original footage. When you need to edit part of a master clip, create a sub clip with CTRL + U or CMD + U.

19. Line Video and Audio Automatically

Stop lining up video and audio manually. Snap your clip in place with the S button.

20. Quick Video Export

When you’re done with your project, it’s time to quickly render out the video. Export your media by selecting CTRL + M or CMD + M.

Bonus Shortcut

Here’s a bonus shortcut: You can add your own to the settings! Just go over the Edit menu and select “Keyboard Shortcuts”, or just use CTRL + ALT + K shortcuts to add more shortcuts.

In this menu, you’ll see all the Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts that are currently set. Just select any you want to change, or any that don’t have a shortcut, and change them as you wish.

Premiere Pro shortcuts can totally change the way you handle your video editing. The more Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts you know, the faster you’ll be able to do your work. Learn as many as possible and really ramp up your video production.

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