February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

How to Stop Premiere Pro from Crashing

How to Stop Premiere Pro from Crashing

How to Stop Premiere Pro from Crashing




Does Premiere Pro keep crashing on your computer? Premiere Pro is one of the best video editing software for intermediate and professional video editors, but it needs a computer with the right system requirements to run properly.

There are multiple reasons why some users have problems with Premiere Pro frequently crashing. In this blog post, we share tips from professional video editors on how to stop Premiere Pro from crashing.

Whether you are having trouble with Premiere Pro crashing while exporting or starting up the program, this list of Premiere Pro tips can help. We have also included tips for how to stop Premiere Pro from crashing on Mac and Windows.

Tip #1: Install the Latest Graphics Driver

Premiere Pro is a graphics-intensive video editing software. To handle processing large video files, applying video effects, and rendering the final product, the computer needs to have the latest graphics driver installed.

Mac computers automatically install the latest graphics driver with each system update, but Windows computers require additional maintenance to stay up-to-date.

Windows users can find out which graphics driver they are using by going to Control Panel > Device Manager > Display Adapters > Driver.

Go to the graphics driver manufacturer’s website to check for updates. The manufacturer will provide instructions for downloading and installing the latest graphics driver on their website.

Tip #2: Update and Reinstall Premiere Pro

An easy Premiere Pro trick for preventing crashes is to uninstall and then reinstall the program. Reinstalling Premiere Pro updates it to the latest version, automatically deletes corrupted files, and gives the program a hard reset.

Along with Premiere Pro, ensure that the computer is updated to the latest settings. A compatibility problem between an operating system update and the Premiere Pro version could be the cause of frequent crashes.

Tip #3: Clear Premiere Pro Settings

How do you reset Premiere Pro settings to stop Premiere Pro from crashing? All you have to do is hold down the Alt or Alt/Option key at the same time as you launch Premiere Pro. A pop-up window will prompt you to reset the preferences.

Tip #4: Disable GPU Acceleration

Video editors can try temporarily disabling GPU acceleration to see if this will stop Premiere Pro from crashing. Adobe Premiere Pro uses GPU acceleration to distribute CPU processing for faster encoding and rendering. Turning off GPU acceleration may improve the performance of Premiere Pro.

To turn off GPU acceleration go to File > Project Settings > General.

From there, click on Video Rendering and Playback.

Switch the Renderer to Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.

Tip #5: Let Vagon Carry the Load

Crashes are a thing of the past when you have Vagon by your side. Our remote desktops are tailored to meet the demands of software like Premiere Pro, ensuring a smooth, crash-free editing journey. Even on a modest laptop, switching to GPU rendering from CPU rendering with Vagon is quick and effortless. No more interruptions, just pure creative flow.

Tip #6: Change Caption Fonts

An odd Premiere Pro bug that some video editors run into is that some caption fonts cause Premiere Pro to crash. Fonts downloaded from third-party sources could have compatibility problems with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Try changing the caption font to see if that fixes the bug.

Tip #7: Prevent Computer Overheating

Editing on Premiere Pro can put stress on the computer’s CPU, causing it to overheat. Keep the computer’s vents uncovered and free of dust.

Too many tasks going in the background can make the computer overheat while using Premiere Pro. Make sure to close out any programs or web pages that are not currently in use to improve Premiere Pro’s performance.

Tip #8: Remove Third-Party Plug-Ins and Effects

Using third-party plug-ins and effects can enhance a video edit, but they can also cause Premiere Pro to crash. Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects both run into problems rendering and exporting plug-ins installed from third-party sources.

Go to Finder > Adobe Premiere Pro to delete the Plug-Ins folder.

One way that professional video editors bypass the limitations of Premiere Pro is by rendering and exporting the video effect in After Effects. The individual clip can then be imported into the Premiere Pro project. Adobe Premiere Pro integrates seamlessly with Adobe After Effects.

Tip #9: Crashing While Importing/Exporting

Premiere Pro may crash during the import if you try to import too many clips at once. Import only a few clips at a time to give the computer time to finish processing. Dragging and dropping the media files instead of using the import function has better results for some Premiere Pro editors.

The video editing project itself can also be split up and assembled at the end to make it easier for Premiere Pro to handle. This is useful when working on lengthy projects with large file sizes. Transcoding the media files into a smaller file size for editing can also improve performance.

Adobe Media Encoder can be used to transcode the media files to smaller file sizes and to export the final project. Exporting from Media Encoder instead of directly from Premiere Pro helps to prevent crashes during export.

Tip #10: Remove Corrupted Cache Files

Any corrupted files in the media cache can cause problems with Premiere Pro’s performance. Clearing the media cache will delete corrupted files while keeping your project intact.

All you have to do to remove corrupted cache files from Premiere Pro is to select Premiere Pro > Preferences > Media Cache.

From there, you can clear the media cache by clicking on Remove Media Cache Files.

Tip #10: Use Vagon for Better Performance

One of the most frequent reasons why Premiere Pro frequently crashes is because the computer has reached its software limitations. Vagon helps Premiere Pro users upgrade to a better computer instantly with a personalized in-browser supercomputer.

Vagon is a cloud-based high-performance personal computer that uses its GPU instead of your computer’s CPU. With Vagon, video creators can access professional video editing software from any computer without frequent crashes or slow performance.

Ready to focus on your creativity?

Vagon gives you the ability to create & render projects, collaborate, and stream applications with the power of the best hardware.