November 17, 2022

November 17, 2022

November 17, 2022

Premiere Pro vs. Blender - Comparison Guide

Premiere Pro vs. Blender - Comparison Guide

Premiere Pro vs. Blender - Comparison Guide




Illustrator & Video Production

Though Premiere Pro is one of the software that comes up to our mind first when the topic is video editing, Blender has proven itself to be a successful one as well. Both programs have a wealth of features and tools for video editors and creators to use to let their imaginations run wild. But which of these programs is the best for your next video project?

We’ll take a look at the features, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of Blender 3D software and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. With this information, you can make an informed decision about which program will suit your video editing needs best.

Blender vs. Premiere Pro: The Graphics

The graphical abilities of Blender and Premiere Pro are amazing. These software programs have come a long way over the years, upgrading their capabilities with each new version. Today, these programs are used regularly by professional video editors around the world.

Premiere Pro works hand-in-hand with other Adobe software packages such as After Effects. This integration makes it a breeze to upgrade the graphics in a video with just a few clicks. From font changes to special effects, you can do a lot with the combination of these programs.

While Blender is known for its modeling and animation abilities, it can also be useful for video editing. The software provides an editing timeline, clip management, basic color adjustments, sound effect insertion, and more. For those who need to put together a basic or intermediate video, Blender can do the job.

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

Blender vs. Premiere Pro: The Workflow

A good software program needs to be intuitive when it comes to creating and rendering final projects. Both Premiere Pro and Blender have high-quality workflows that make it easy to get to work and move from one stage to another in a video project.

Premiere Pro is very easy to get used to for those who have used other Adobe programs, as the menus and options are similar across the brand. Workspaces can be customized to feature the specific tools a video editor needs. From importing artwork and clips to editing to adding effects and outputting finalized video, Premiere Pro makes it easy to handle a video project from start to finish.

Blender offers a fairly intuitive layout of menus and tools that can be customized as the user needs. Importing videos, creating edits, adjusting colors, adjusting lighting, and outputting finalized videos can all be done easily using the right combination of tools and presets.

Blender vs. Premiere Pro: The Plugins and Add-ons

Additional software such as plugins and add-ons can make a huge difference in the functionality of a program. Both Adobe Premiere Pro and Blender feature a wide array of options.

Adobe and independent coders have created many plugins that can be added to Premiere Pro. Options that integrate other Adobe programs like After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop make it easy to utilize those programs to enhance the user’s Premiere Pro projects. Plugins for faster editing, color grading, audio mastering, and more can do a lot for the quality of the final project.

Blender is no different when it comes to add-ons and plugins. The Blender community is very much about helping one another, and many users are skilled coders. Users can find plugins that allow for easier video clip management, color grading, sound effects, lighting effects, and other video editing choices.

Blender vs. Premiere Pro: The Community

As you’ll find with any creative software, a thriving online community can be a huge difference-maker. The community’s size and strength can be a great tool for having questions answered and making connections with fellow creators. Both Blender and Premiere Pro have large online communities that can assist any video editor to hone their craft.

Premiere Pro has been around for decades as part of Adobe’s suite of software. Countless spaces online feature Adobe communities and users who have the tools and knowledge needed to help users learn timeline techniques, clip management, and many other video editing tricks. As a member of the Adobe community, it’s easy to have a question answered when you need help or to find inspiration when you’re stuck.

Blender has a smaller but very dedicated community online. The website has a large space for community members to chat, trade files, and discuss their video issues. This open-source software tends to pull in independent creators who love to help each other out and add to the overall experience of the software. Users are known to discuss visual effects, rendering tips, and creative visual storytelling techniques.

Blender vs. Premiere Pro: The Workload

Video editing software works hard to create finalized projects. Both Adobe Premiere Pro and Blender take a lot of computing power to run efficiently. Both software packages require at least a 64-bit CPU, 8GB of memory, and a graphical processing unit of at least 2GB. Premiere Pro requires a bit more power, working on Windows 10 or Mac OS 11 while Blender can run on Windows 8.1 or Mac OS 10.13.

Regardless of system capabilities, both Adobe Premiere Pro and Blender will likely require that users don’t do anything else with their computer during rendering.

Photo by Marcus Löfvenberg on Unsplash


When you need software that’s built for video editing, look to Adobe Premiere Pro. When you need 3D elements and animation, or if you’re on a budget, Blender is your best bet. Whichever program suits your needs, make sure to utilize the power of Vagon’s cloud computing technology to render out your finalized project.

Use Vagon to Assist With Rendering and Output

Vagon allows users to harness the power of cloud computing to handle their software’s heaviest tasks. Users simply upload their project files to the cloud and render their finalized videos using cloud computers. This allows for a much lighter workload on the user’s home or works computer. This can lead to faster render times, less stress on a personal computer, and the ability to work on other projects during a rendering session.

Still have questions about video production. Check out our blog for more information!

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