Blender 3D Glossary

Blender 3D Glossary

Blender 3d Glossary

Blender 3D Glossary

Explore our comprehensive glossary of essential terms and related concepts about Blender 3D and more.



























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3D Modeling

3D Modeling

Creating a three-dimensional representation of an object using specialized software to define its shape and details.

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

A shading technique that simulates how ambient light interacts with surfaces, adding depth and realism.

Anisotropic Shading

Anisotropic Shading

A shading model that simulates light interaction with materials having directional properties, like brushed metal.



Creating the illusion of movement by displaying a sequence of individual frames or images in rapid succession.



A skeleton-like structure of bones and joints used to control the movement of a 3D model in animation.

Bake Animation

Bake Animation

Precomputing and saving an animation to enhance playback performance by reducing the need for real-time calculations.

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Precomputing ambient occlusion effects and storing them in a texture to improve rendering efficiency.

Bake Reflection

Bake Reflection

Precomputing and storing reflections on objects to enhance rendering speed and performance.



The process of precomputing and saving complex simulations or lighting effects to optimize performance.

Bezier Curve

Bezier Curve

A smooth, editable curve used in creating paths, defined by control points and commonly used in animation and design.

Blend File

Blend File

The file format used by Blender to save entire projects, including models, animations, and settings.

Boolean Operation

Boolean Operation

Combining or subtracting 3D shapes using Boolean logic to create complex models.

Bump Map

Bump Map

A texture that creates the illusion of surface detail without changing the actual geometry of the model.



The virtual device in Blender that captures and frames the scene for rendering.

Camera Depth of Field

Camera Depth of Field

A technique to simulate blurring of objects based on their distance from the camera, mimicking real-world lenses.

Camera Proxy

Camera Proxy

A simplified version of a camera used for layout and blocking before finalizing the scene setup.

Color Management

Color Management

The system for adjusting and maintaining consistent color profiles across different devices and rendering outputs.

Color Ramp

Color Ramp

A node used to control the gradient of colors in a shader or material, allowing for smooth transitions.

Cycles Renderer

Cycles Renderer

Blender’s path-tracing renderer designed for creating photorealistic images with accurate lighting and materials.



Reducing the number of polygons in a mesh to simplify the model, often for optimization.

Displacement Map

Displacement Map

A texture that modifies the position of vertices on a model's surface to create detailed geometry.

Dynamic Paint

Dynamic Paint

A system for creating paint effects and simulations based on interactions between objects in a 3D scene.

Dynamic Paint Brush

Dynamic Paint Brush

A tool used in Dynamic Paint to apply paint effects to a canvas object, simulating different materials and effects.

Eevee Renderer

Eevee Renderer

Blender’s real-time rendering engine designed for interactive rendering and fast previews with high visual fidelity.



A modeling operation that extends faces or edges to create new geometry, adding depth to a shape.



A flat surface on a mesh, typically made up of three or four vertices, forming the basic unit of a 3D model's geometry.



A curve representing the change of a property over time in animation, used to control motion and transformation.

Fragment Shader

Fragment Shader

A shader that processes pixel data to determine the final color and shading of each pixel on a rendered surface.

Fresnel Effect

Fresnel Effect

A shading effect that changes the appearance of a surface based on the angle of view relative to the surface normal.

Geometry Nodes

Geometry Nodes

A node-based system for creating and manipulating procedural geometry, allowing for complex model generation.

Grease Pencil

Grease Pencil

A tool in Blender for drawing directly in 3D space, often used for creating 2D animations or annotations within a 3D environment.

Grease Pencil Layers

Grease Pencil Layers

Layers within the Grease Pencil tool used to organize and manage different drawings or animations.

Grease Pencil Strokes

Grease Pencil Strokes

Individual lines or drawings created with the Grease Pencil tool, used in both 2D and 3D space.

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

A technique that captures a wide range of light intensities, often used for realistic lighting and reflections in 3D scenes.



A frame in animation that marks the starting or ending point of any smooth transition, defining key movements or changes.

Lattice Modifier

Lattice Modifier

A modifier that deforms a mesh using a lattice structure, allowing for non-destructive editing and shape alterations.

Light Falloff

Light Falloff

The decrease in light intensity as it moves away from the source, affecting how light spreads in a scene.

Light Path Node

Light Path Node

A node in Blender’s Shader Editor used to access different aspects of light interaction, like reflection or refraction.



Properties applied to a 3D model’s surface, including color, texture, and reflectivity, defining its appearance.

Material Library

Material Library

A collection of reusable materials and shaders that can be applied to different objects within a scene for consistency.



A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that defines the shape of a 3D object, forming its basic structure in space.

Mesh Decimation

Mesh Decimation

Reducing the complexity of a mesh by decreasing the number of polygons, used to optimize performance or simplify models.

Mesh Extrusion

Mesh Extrusion

Extending faces or edges of a mesh to create new geometry, adding depth or detail to a model.

Mesh Subdivision

Mesh Subdivision

The process of adding more geometry to a mesh by subdividing its faces, smoothing the surface or increasing detail.

Motion Tracking

Motion Tracking

Analyzing video footage to track moving objects, allowing for the integration of 3D elements into real-world footage.

Normal Map

Normal Map

A texture that simulates surface details like bumps or wrinkles without altering the mesh geometry, enhancing realism.



A vector perpendicular to the surface of a 3D model, determining how light interacts with the surface for shading.

Node Editor

Node Editor

A workspace in Blender for creating and managing complex shader and compositing networks using nodes.

Node Group

Node Group

A collection of nodes combined into a single, reusable node for creating complex shading or compositing setups.

Object Constraints

Object Constraints

Rules that control or limit how objects behave relative to one another, used for maintaining specific relationships in a scene.

Object Mode

Object Mode

The mode in Blender for manipulating entire objects, allowing for transformation and positioning, distinct from editing individual components.

Particle System

Particle System

A system used to create and manage large numbers of small particles in a simulation, like smoke, fire, or hair.



A specific position or arrangement of a rigged 3D model, used as a key element in animation to define character actions.

Pose Library

Pose Library

A collection of predefined poses that can be quickly applied to rigged characters, speeding up the animation process.

Render Layer

Render Layer

Separate layers in rendering that can be combined during post-processing to achieve the final image, allowing for complex compositing.

Render Passes

Render Passes

Different layers of information outputted during rendering, such as color, shadows, or reflections, used for post-processing.



The process of generating a final image from a 3D model by calculating lighting, shading, and textures through a computer program.



The complete system of bones and controls used to animate a 3D model, essential for bringing characters or objects to life.



The process of creating a skeleton for a 3D model, allowing it to be animated by controlling movements and deformations.

Rigging Constraints

Rigging Constraints

Rules applied to rigged bones or controls to enforce specific behaviors or limits, ensuring realistic movement and stability.



A Blender add-on that automates the rigging process, providing a ready-made rig for characters to speed up animation setup.

Sculpt Mode

Sculpt Mode

The mode for using digital sculpting tools to shape and refine a 3D model, allowing for detailed adjustments similar to traditional sculpting.



The technique of shaping and refining 3D models using digital tools, enabling the creation of detailed and organic forms.



A program that defines how light interacts with a surface, determining its appearance during rendering, such as color, reflectivity, and texture.

Shader Editor

Shader Editor

The workspace used to create and edit shaders and materials using nodes, providing control over how surfaces are rendered.

Shape Key

Shape Key

A tool for creating and managing variations in a mesh, often used for facial expressions or other deformations in character animation.

Shape Key Animation

Shape Key Animation

Animation created by interpolating between different shape keys, allowing for smooth transitions between facial expressions or shape variations.

Simulation Domain

Simulation Domain

The volume within which a fluid or smoke simulation is calculated, defining the boundaries and behavior of the simulation.

Soft Body Dynamics

Soft Body Dynamics

A simulation method that allows objects to deform and respond like soft materials, used for realistic animation of cloth, jellies, and other pliable objects.

Subdivision Surface Modifier

Subdivision Surface Modifier

A Blender modifier that smooths the geometry of a mesh by adding subdivisions, used to increase detail or create organic shapes.

Surface Shader

Surface Shader

A shader applied to the surface of a 3D model to define its appearance, affecting how it interacts with light and its overall material properties.



An image or pattern applied to a 3D model to give it detailed surface appearance, such as wood grain, metal, or skin.

Texture Atlas

Texture Atlas

A large texture map containing multiple smaller textures, used to optimize texture mapping and reduce the number of texture files needed.

Texture Painting

Texture Painting

The process of directly painting textures onto a 3D model’s surface, allowing for custom designs and detail without external image editing.

Transform Gizmo

Transform Gizmo

A graphical interface element used for manipulating an object's location, rotation, and scale directly in the viewport, providing intuitive control.

UV Island

UV Island

A contiguous section of a UV map that corresponds to a specific part of a 3D model’s surface, used in texture mapping.

UV Mapping

UV Mapping

The process of projecting a 2D image texture onto a 3D model’s surface, aligning the texture to the model’s geometry.



A point in 3D space that defines the corners of a mesh, forming the basic building block of a 3D object.

Vertex Color

Vertex Color

Color data stored at each vertex of a mesh, used in vertex painting and shading, providing detailed color control without textures.

Vertex Group

Vertex Group

A collection of vertices used to control how modifiers or deformations are applied to a mesh, often in rigging or shape manipulation.

Vertex Shader

Vertex Shader

A shader that processes vertex data, determining the position and attributes of each vertex during rendering, affecting the model’s appearance.



The area of the Blender interface where you view and interact with your 3D scene, allowing for navigation and editing.

Viewport Clipping

Viewport Clipping

The process of limiting the visible range in the viewport, optimizing performance by excluding distant or irrelevant objects from view.

Viewport Shading

Viewport Shading

Different modes for visualizing objects and materials in the viewport, such as Solid, Wireframe, or Rendered views, aiding in design and layout.

Weight Painting

Weight Painting

The process of assigning weights to vertices, controlling how much each vertex is influenced by bones or other modifiers in a rig.



























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3D Modeling

3D Modeling

Creating a three-dimensional representation of an object using specialized software to define its shape and details.

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

A shading technique that simulates how ambient light interacts with surfaces, adding depth and realism.

Anisotropic Shading

Anisotropic Shading

A shading model that simulates light interaction with materials having directional properties, like brushed metal.



Creating the illusion of movement by displaying a sequence of individual frames or images in rapid succession.



A skeleton-like structure of bones and joints used to control the movement of a 3D model in animation.

Bake Animation

Bake Animation

Precomputing and saving an animation to enhance playback performance by reducing the need for real-time calculations.

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Precomputing ambient occlusion effects and storing them in a texture to improve rendering efficiency.

Bake Reflection

Bake Reflection

Precomputing and storing reflections on objects to enhance rendering speed and performance.



The process of precomputing and saving complex simulations or lighting effects to optimize performance.

Bezier Curve

Bezier Curve

A smooth, editable curve used in creating paths, defined by control points and commonly used in animation and design.

Blend File

Blend File

The file format used by Blender to save entire projects, including models, animations, and settings.

Boolean Operation

Boolean Operation

Combining or subtracting 3D shapes using Boolean logic to create complex models.

Bump Map

Bump Map

A texture that creates the illusion of surface detail without changing the actual geometry of the model.



The virtual device in Blender that captures and frames the scene for rendering.

Camera Depth of Field

Camera Depth of Field

A technique to simulate blurring of objects based on their distance from the camera, mimicking real-world lenses.

Camera Proxy

Camera Proxy

A simplified version of a camera used for layout and blocking before finalizing the scene setup.

Color Management

Color Management

The system for adjusting and maintaining consistent color profiles across different devices and rendering outputs.

Color Ramp

Color Ramp

A node used to control the gradient of colors in a shader or material, allowing for smooth transitions.

Cycles Renderer

Cycles Renderer

Blender’s path-tracing renderer designed for creating photorealistic images with accurate lighting and materials.



Reducing the number of polygons in a mesh to simplify the model, often for optimization.

Displacement Map

Displacement Map

A texture that modifies the position of vertices on a model's surface to create detailed geometry.

Dynamic Paint

Dynamic Paint

A system for creating paint effects and simulations based on interactions between objects in a 3D scene.

Dynamic Paint Brush

Dynamic Paint Brush

A tool used in Dynamic Paint to apply paint effects to a canvas object, simulating different materials and effects.

Eevee Renderer

Eevee Renderer

Blender’s real-time rendering engine designed for interactive rendering and fast previews with high visual fidelity.



A modeling operation that extends faces or edges to create new geometry, adding depth to a shape.



A flat surface on a mesh, typically made up of three or four vertices, forming the basic unit of a 3D model's geometry.



A curve representing the change of a property over time in animation, used to control motion and transformation.

Fragment Shader

Fragment Shader

A shader that processes pixel data to determine the final color and shading of each pixel on a rendered surface.

Fresnel Effect

Fresnel Effect

A shading effect that changes the appearance of a surface based on the angle of view relative to the surface normal.

Geometry Nodes

Geometry Nodes

A node-based system for creating and manipulating procedural geometry, allowing for complex model generation.

Grease Pencil

Grease Pencil

A tool in Blender for drawing directly in 3D space, often used for creating 2D animations or annotations within a 3D environment.

Grease Pencil Layers

Grease Pencil Layers

Layers within the Grease Pencil tool used to organize and manage different drawings or animations.

Grease Pencil Strokes

Grease Pencil Strokes

Individual lines or drawings created with the Grease Pencil tool, used in both 2D and 3D space.

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

A technique that captures a wide range of light intensities, often used for realistic lighting and reflections in 3D scenes.



A frame in animation that marks the starting or ending point of any smooth transition, defining key movements or changes.

Lattice Modifier

Lattice Modifier

A modifier that deforms a mesh using a lattice structure, allowing for non-destructive editing and shape alterations.

Light Falloff

Light Falloff

The decrease in light intensity as it moves away from the source, affecting how light spreads in a scene.

Light Path Node

Light Path Node

A node in Blender’s Shader Editor used to access different aspects of light interaction, like reflection or refraction.



Properties applied to a 3D model’s surface, including color, texture, and reflectivity, defining its appearance.

Material Library

Material Library

A collection of reusable materials and shaders that can be applied to different objects within a scene for consistency.



A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that defines the shape of a 3D object, forming its basic structure in space.

Mesh Decimation

Mesh Decimation

Reducing the complexity of a mesh by decreasing the number of polygons, used to optimize performance or simplify models.

Mesh Extrusion

Mesh Extrusion

Extending faces or edges of a mesh to create new geometry, adding depth or detail to a model.

Mesh Subdivision

Mesh Subdivision

The process of adding more geometry to a mesh by subdividing its faces, smoothing the surface or increasing detail.

Motion Tracking

Motion Tracking

Analyzing video footage to track moving objects, allowing for the integration of 3D elements into real-world footage.

Normal Map

Normal Map

A texture that simulates surface details like bumps or wrinkles without altering the mesh geometry, enhancing realism.



A vector perpendicular to the surface of a 3D model, determining how light interacts with the surface for shading.

Node Editor

Node Editor

A workspace in Blender for creating and managing complex shader and compositing networks using nodes.

Node Group

Node Group

A collection of nodes combined into a single, reusable node for creating complex shading or compositing setups.

Object Constraints

Object Constraints

Rules that control or limit how objects behave relative to one another, used for maintaining specific relationships in a scene.

Object Mode

Object Mode

The mode in Blender for manipulating entire objects, allowing for transformation and positioning, distinct from editing individual components.

Particle System

Particle System

A system used to create and manage large numbers of small particles in a simulation, like smoke, fire, or hair.



A specific position or arrangement of a rigged 3D model, used as a key element in animation to define character actions.

Pose Library

Pose Library

A collection of predefined poses that can be quickly applied to rigged characters, speeding up the animation process.

Render Layer

Render Layer

Separate layers in rendering that can be combined during post-processing to achieve the final image, allowing for complex compositing.

Render Passes

Render Passes

Different layers of information outputted during rendering, such as color, shadows, or reflections, used for post-processing.



The process of generating a final image from a 3D model by calculating lighting, shading, and textures through a computer program.



The complete system of bones and controls used to animate a 3D model, essential for bringing characters or objects to life.



The process of creating a skeleton for a 3D model, allowing it to be animated by controlling movements and deformations.

Rigging Constraints

Rigging Constraints

Rules applied to rigged bones or controls to enforce specific behaviors or limits, ensuring realistic movement and stability.



A Blender add-on that automates the rigging process, providing a ready-made rig for characters to speed up animation setup.

Sculpt Mode

Sculpt Mode

The mode for using digital sculpting tools to shape and refine a 3D model, allowing for detailed adjustments similar to traditional sculpting.



The technique of shaping and refining 3D models using digital tools, enabling the creation of detailed and organic forms.



A program that defines how light interacts with a surface, determining its appearance during rendering, such as color, reflectivity, and texture.

Shader Editor

Shader Editor

The workspace used to create and edit shaders and materials using nodes, providing control over how surfaces are rendered.

Shape Key

Shape Key

A tool for creating and managing variations in a mesh, often used for facial expressions or other deformations in character animation.

Shape Key Animation

Shape Key Animation

Animation created by interpolating between different shape keys, allowing for smooth transitions between facial expressions or shape variations.

Simulation Domain

Simulation Domain

The volume within which a fluid or smoke simulation is calculated, defining the boundaries and behavior of the simulation.

Soft Body Dynamics

Soft Body Dynamics

A simulation method that allows objects to deform and respond like soft materials, used for realistic animation of cloth, jellies, and other pliable objects.

Subdivision Surface Modifier

Subdivision Surface Modifier

A Blender modifier that smooths the geometry of a mesh by adding subdivisions, used to increase detail or create organic shapes.

Surface Shader

Surface Shader

A shader applied to the surface of a 3D model to define its appearance, affecting how it interacts with light and its overall material properties.



An image or pattern applied to a 3D model to give it detailed surface appearance, such as wood grain, metal, or skin.

Texture Atlas

Texture Atlas

A large texture map containing multiple smaller textures, used to optimize texture mapping and reduce the number of texture files needed.

Texture Painting

Texture Painting

The process of directly painting textures onto a 3D model’s surface, allowing for custom designs and detail without external image editing.

Transform Gizmo

Transform Gizmo

A graphical interface element used for manipulating an object's location, rotation, and scale directly in the viewport, providing intuitive control.

UV Island

UV Island

A contiguous section of a UV map that corresponds to a specific part of a 3D model’s surface, used in texture mapping.

UV Mapping

UV Mapping

The process of projecting a 2D image texture onto a 3D model’s surface, aligning the texture to the model’s geometry.



A point in 3D space that defines the corners of a mesh, forming the basic building block of a 3D object.

Vertex Color

Vertex Color

Color data stored at each vertex of a mesh, used in vertex painting and shading, providing detailed color control without textures.

Vertex Group

Vertex Group

A collection of vertices used to control how modifiers or deformations are applied to a mesh, often in rigging or shape manipulation.

Vertex Shader

Vertex Shader

A shader that processes vertex data, determining the position and attributes of each vertex during rendering, affecting the model’s appearance.



The area of the Blender interface where you view and interact with your 3D scene, allowing for navigation and editing.

Viewport Clipping

Viewport Clipping

The process of limiting the visible range in the viewport, optimizing performance by excluding distant or irrelevant objects from view.

Viewport Shading

Viewport Shading

Different modes for visualizing objects and materials in the viewport, such as Solid, Wireframe, or Rendered views, aiding in design and layout.

Weight Painting

Weight Painting

The process of assigning weights to vertices, controlling how much each vertex is influenced by bones or other modifiers in a rig.



























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3D Modeling

3D Modeling

Creating a three-dimensional representation of an object using specialized software to define its shape and details.

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

A shading technique that simulates how ambient light interacts with surfaces, adding depth and realism.

Anisotropic Shading

Anisotropic Shading

A shading model that simulates light interaction with materials having directional properties, like brushed metal.



Creating the illusion of movement by displaying a sequence of individual frames or images in rapid succession.



A skeleton-like structure of bones and joints used to control the movement of a 3D model in animation.

Bake Animation

Bake Animation

Precomputing and saving an animation to enhance playback performance by reducing the need for real-time calculations.

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Bake Ambient Occlusion

Precomputing ambient occlusion effects and storing them in a texture to improve rendering efficiency.

Bake Reflection

Bake Reflection

Precomputing and storing reflections on objects to enhance rendering speed and performance.



The process of precomputing and saving complex simulations or lighting effects to optimize performance.

Bezier Curve

Bezier Curve

A smooth, editable curve used in creating paths, defined by control points and commonly used in animation and design.

Blend File

Blend File

The file format used by Blender to save entire projects, including models, animations, and settings.

Boolean Operation

Boolean Operation

Combining or subtracting 3D shapes using Boolean logic to create complex models.

Bump Map

Bump Map

A texture that creates the illusion of surface detail without changing the actual geometry of the model.



The virtual device in Blender that captures and frames the scene for rendering.

Camera Depth of Field

Camera Depth of Field

A technique to simulate blurring of objects based on their distance from the camera, mimicking real-world lenses.

Camera Proxy

Camera Proxy

A simplified version of a camera used for layout and blocking before finalizing the scene setup.

Color Management

Color Management

The system for adjusting and maintaining consistent color profiles across different devices and rendering outputs.

Color Ramp

Color Ramp

A node used to control the gradient of colors in a shader or material, allowing for smooth transitions.

Cycles Renderer

Cycles Renderer

Blender’s path-tracing renderer designed for creating photorealistic images with accurate lighting and materials.



Reducing the number of polygons in a mesh to simplify the model, often for optimization.

Displacement Map

Displacement Map

A texture that modifies the position of vertices on a model's surface to create detailed geometry.

Dynamic Paint

Dynamic Paint

A system for creating paint effects and simulations based on interactions between objects in a 3D scene.

Dynamic Paint Brush

Dynamic Paint Brush

A tool used in Dynamic Paint to apply paint effects to a canvas object, simulating different materials and effects.

Eevee Renderer

Eevee Renderer

Blender’s real-time rendering engine designed for interactive rendering and fast previews with high visual fidelity.



A modeling operation that extends faces or edges to create new geometry, adding depth to a shape.



A flat surface on a mesh, typically made up of three or four vertices, forming the basic unit of a 3D model's geometry.



A curve representing the change of a property over time in animation, used to control motion and transformation.

Fragment Shader

Fragment Shader

A shader that processes pixel data to determine the final color and shading of each pixel on a rendered surface.

Fresnel Effect

Fresnel Effect

A shading effect that changes the appearance of a surface based on the angle of view relative to the surface normal.

Geometry Nodes

Geometry Nodes

A node-based system for creating and manipulating procedural geometry, allowing for complex model generation.

Grease Pencil

Grease Pencil

A tool in Blender for drawing directly in 3D space, often used for creating 2D animations or annotations within a 3D environment.

Grease Pencil Layers

Grease Pencil Layers

Layers within the Grease Pencil tool used to organize and manage different drawings or animations.

Grease Pencil Strokes

Grease Pencil Strokes

Individual lines or drawings created with the Grease Pencil tool, used in both 2D and 3D space.

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging)

A technique that captures a wide range of light intensities, often used for realistic lighting and reflections in 3D scenes.



A frame in animation that marks the starting or ending point of any smooth transition, defining key movements or changes.

Lattice Modifier

Lattice Modifier

A modifier that deforms a mesh using a lattice structure, allowing for non-destructive editing and shape alterations.

Light Falloff

Light Falloff

The decrease in light intensity as it moves away from the source, affecting how light spreads in a scene.

Light Path Node

Light Path Node

A node in Blender’s Shader Editor used to access different aspects of light interaction, like reflection or refraction.



Properties applied to a 3D model’s surface, including color, texture, and reflectivity, defining its appearance.

Material Library

Material Library

A collection of reusable materials and shaders that can be applied to different objects within a scene for consistency.



A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that defines the shape of a 3D object, forming its basic structure in space.

Mesh Decimation

Mesh Decimation

Reducing the complexity of a mesh by decreasing the number of polygons, used to optimize performance or simplify models.

Mesh Extrusion

Mesh Extrusion

Extending faces or edges of a mesh to create new geometry, adding depth or detail to a model.

Mesh Subdivision

Mesh Subdivision

The process of adding more geometry to a mesh by subdividing its faces, smoothing the surface or increasing detail.

Motion Tracking

Motion Tracking

Analyzing video footage to track moving objects, allowing for the integration of 3D elements into real-world footage.

Normal Map

Normal Map

A texture that simulates surface details like bumps or wrinkles without altering the mesh geometry, enhancing realism.



A vector perpendicular to the surface of a 3D model, determining how light interacts with the surface for shading.

Node Editor

Node Editor

A workspace in Blender for creating and managing complex shader and compositing networks using nodes.

Node Group

Node Group

A collection of nodes combined into a single, reusable node for creating complex shading or compositing setups.

Object Constraints

Object Constraints

Rules that control or limit how objects behave relative to one another, used for maintaining specific relationships in a scene.

Object Mode

Object Mode

The mode in Blender for manipulating entire objects, allowing for transformation and positioning, distinct from editing individual components.

Particle System

Particle System

A system used to create and manage large numbers of small particles in a simulation, like smoke, fire, or hair.



A specific position or arrangement of a rigged 3D model, used as a key element in animation to define character actions.

Pose Library

Pose Library

A collection of predefined poses that can be quickly applied to rigged characters, speeding up the animation process.

Render Layer

Render Layer

Separate layers in rendering that can be combined during post-processing to achieve the final image, allowing for complex compositing.

Render Passes

Render Passes

Different layers of information outputted during rendering, such as color, shadows, or reflections, used for post-processing.



The process of generating a final image from a 3D model by calculating lighting, shading, and textures through a computer program.



The complete system of bones and controls used to animate a 3D model, essential for bringing characters or objects to life.



The process of creating a skeleton for a 3D model, allowing it to be animated by controlling movements and deformations.

Rigging Constraints

Rigging Constraints

Rules applied to rigged bones or controls to enforce specific behaviors or limits, ensuring realistic movement and stability.



A Blender add-on that automates the rigging process, providing a ready-made rig for characters to speed up animation setup.

Sculpt Mode

Sculpt Mode

The mode for using digital sculpting tools to shape and refine a 3D model, allowing for detailed adjustments similar to traditional sculpting.



The technique of shaping and refining 3D models using digital tools, enabling the creation of detailed and organic forms.



A program that defines how light interacts with a surface, determining its appearance during rendering, such as color, reflectivity, and texture.

Shader Editor

Shader Editor

The workspace used to create and edit shaders and materials using nodes, providing control over how surfaces are rendered.

Shape Key

Shape Key

A tool for creating and managing variations in a mesh, often used for facial expressions or other deformations in character animation.

Shape Key Animation

Shape Key Animation

Animation created by interpolating between different shape keys, allowing for smooth transitions between facial expressions or shape variations.

Simulation Domain

Simulation Domain

The volume within which a fluid or smoke simulation is calculated, defining the boundaries and behavior of the simulation.

Soft Body Dynamics

Soft Body Dynamics

A simulation method that allows objects to deform and respond like soft materials, used for realistic animation of cloth, jellies, and other pliable objects.

Subdivision Surface Modifier

Subdivision Surface Modifier

A Blender modifier that smooths the geometry of a mesh by adding subdivisions, used to increase detail or create organic shapes.

Surface Shader

Surface Shader

A shader applied to the surface of a 3D model to define its appearance, affecting how it interacts with light and its overall material properties.



An image or pattern applied to a 3D model to give it detailed surface appearance, such as wood grain, metal, or skin.

Texture Atlas

Texture Atlas

A large texture map containing multiple smaller textures, used to optimize texture mapping and reduce the number of texture files needed.

Texture Painting

Texture Painting

The process of directly painting textures onto a 3D model’s surface, allowing for custom designs and detail without external image editing.

Transform Gizmo

Transform Gizmo

A graphical interface element used for manipulating an object's location, rotation, and scale directly in the viewport, providing intuitive control.

UV Island

UV Island

A contiguous section of a UV map that corresponds to a specific part of a 3D model’s surface, used in texture mapping.

UV Mapping

UV Mapping

The process of projecting a 2D image texture onto a 3D model’s surface, aligning the texture to the model’s geometry.



A point in 3D space that defines the corners of a mesh, forming the basic building block of a 3D object.

Vertex Color

Vertex Color

Color data stored at each vertex of a mesh, used in vertex painting and shading, providing detailed color control without textures.

Vertex Group

Vertex Group

A collection of vertices used to control how modifiers or deformations are applied to a mesh, often in rigging or shape manipulation.

Vertex Shader

Vertex Shader

A shader that processes vertex data, determining the position and attributes of each vertex during rendering, affecting the model’s appearance.



The area of the Blender interface where you view and interact with your 3D scene, allowing for navigation and editing.

Viewport Clipping

Viewport Clipping

The process of limiting the visible range in the viewport, optimizing performance by excluding distant or irrelevant objects from view.

Viewport Shading

Viewport Shading

Different modes for visualizing objects and materials in the viewport, such as Solid, Wireframe, or Rendered views, aiding in design and layout.

Weight Painting

Weight Painting

The process of assigning weights to vertices, controlling how much each vertex is influenced by bones or other modifiers in a rig.

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