Creative Interview: Chao Quan Choo / Motion Designer

Creative Interview: Chao Quan Choo / Motion Designer

Creative Interview: Chao Quan Choo / Motion Designer




economics, art and culture lover

Published on June 6, 2020

Published on June 6, 2020

Published on June 6, 2020

Table of Contents

Chao Quan Choo is a motion graphic designer situated in Singapore who loves to narrate stories through foreign objects.

We really like his projects and his inspiring Instagram posts. We couldn’t get our eyes from his works, and here is our mini interview with him, about his works and daily routines.

What is your daily routine? In which part of the day do you feel more productive?

The early morning part of the morning is my productive period. I like to get up early, have a cup of coffee, and Netflix while having my breakfast, to properly warm-up for work. I like to divide my day into two divisions, the first half of the day before lunch will be filled with tasks that don’t require too much creativity inputs and the next half after lunch, will be focusing more on brainstorming and creativity exploration if required.

How do you get inspired, storytelling wise?

I do spend quite a bit of Netflix-ing. Usually get inspirations from movies, ads (especially from Thailand), short films, and Vimeo.

Which softwares do you use while creating?

Maxon Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator.

Is your computer’s hardware enough to achieve your creative goals? What’s your computer hardware specs?

My setup is a MacBook Pro 15 coupled with an eGPU of GTX 1080Ti.

Which communities and platforms do you follow to stay up to date?

I would say Motionographer, Instagram, Behance, Dribbble, Pinterest, Vimeo and YouTube.

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