Know what you will pay at the end of the month, scale with your team
Usage Plans are composed of four key elements: interchangeable usage minutes, available performance options, disk storage of desktop, and Vagon Files. Choose from predefined plans or create your own custom plans for your Team.
Be on budget, don’t be surprised with unexpected spendings
Estimating team usages can be tricky, and it can be a bad surprise to see an unexpected over usage at the end of the billing period. Usage Plans, brings you the possibility to see what you pay for with predefined & custom plan options.
Add extra usages when required, and get them back if not in use
Do your team member need extra usage for a tight deadline? Add more with a single click from your Team Console. Similarly, you can scale back and revert unused resources to your team’s balance if they’re no longer needed.
Set & configure computer specs individually anytime
Limit the available performance options for your Team Members, update their existing plan configurations, and increase the storage size of the computer, or Vagon Files folder. Everything is possible with Usage Plans and all are flexible.
Find answers to common questions about VDI, DaaS, and how Vagon Teams boosts productivity, cuts IT costs, and ensures secure cloud-based desktops.
Ready to focus on your creativity?
Vagon gives you the ability to create & render projects, collaborate, and stream applications with the power of the best hardware.