Vertex Group

A collection of vertices used to control how modifiers or deformations are applied to a mesh, often in rigging or shape manipulation.

What is a Vertex Group in Blender?

A Vertex Group in Blender is a collection of vertices used to control how modifiers or deformations are applied to a mesh. Vertex Groups are commonly used in rigging, where they help define which parts of a mesh are influenced by specific bones or deformers. They are also used in shape manipulation and weight painting.

Use Cases in Blender

  • Rigging: Assign specific parts of a model to bones in a rig using Vertex Groups.

  • Shape Manipulation: Use Vertex Groups to apply transformations or modifiers to specific parts of a mesh.

  • Weight Painting: Control how much influence bones or deformers have on specific parts of a model by grouping vertices.

Speed Up Rigging with Vagon

Handling complex vertex groups in detailed models can slow down your system. Vagon’s cloud PCs, equipped with 48 cores, 4 x 24GB RTX-enabled NVIDIA GPUs, and 192GB of RAM, provide the performance needed for efficient vertex group management.

Learn more about how Vagon can optimize your Blender workflow here, or sign up to experience it yourself!

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