
A point in 3D space that defines the corners of a mesh, forming the basic building block of a 3D object.

What is a Vertex in Blender?

A Vertex in Blender is a point in 3D space that defines the corners of a mesh, forming the basic building block of any 3D object. By connecting vertices with edges and faces, you can create complex models. Manipulating vertices allows for precise control over a model's geometry, making it a fundamental aspect of 3D modeling.

Use Cases in Blender

  • Modeling: Vertices form the structure of all 3D models.

  • Sculpting: Manipulate vertices to shape and refine models.

  • Animation: Use vertices to control how a mesh deforms during animation.

Optimize Vertex Editing with Vagon

Handling complex vertex-based models can strain system resources. Vagon’s cloud PCs, equipped with 48 cores, 4 x 24GB RTX-enabled NVIDIA GPUs, and 192GB of RAM, provide the power needed to handle intricate vertex manipulations smoothly.

Explore how Vagon can enhance your Blender workflow here, or sign up to experience it yourself!

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Ready to focus on your creativity?

Vagon gives you the ability to create & render projects, collaborate, and stream applications with the power of the best hardware.