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Speed Up Your Sculpting Workflow
When it comes to digital sculpting solutions for artists, ZBrush is a household name. It is well-known in the digital art and design industry for the highly detailed models its users have produced for video games, films, and design work. However, with a ton of features under its belt, using it can be daunting for some people. One of the easier ways to fully utilize ZBrush as a design tool is mastering its keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts offer users instant access to all the essential tools and commands that the program has to offer, letting them work faster and more seamlessly than before. Today in this article, we’ll be looking at key ZBrush keyboard shortcuts that can help you streamline your sculpting workflow.
Getting Started with ZBrush Keyboard Shortcuts
Using keyboard shortcuts is a surefire way to simplify your sculpting workflow because it takes out the need to constantly click through and navigate complicated menus. Shortcuts provide instant access to your most frequently used ZBrush tools and allow you to focus on being creative instead of spending time executing commands. The program also comes with a versatile Hotkey Manager that allows you to set custom keyboard shortcuts to personalize your digital sculpting experience.

Essential ZBrush Keyboard Shortcuts
Below is a run-through of essential ZBruch shortcuts that are worth utilizing::
Navigation and View Control
Rotate View
Shortcut: Left-Click and Drag (Empty Canvas Space)
Function: This is the primary way to use and interact with the viewport camera of your model. It rotates the view around your subject.
Shortcut: Alt + Left-Click and Drag (Release Alt when dragging)
Function: This controls the scale or level of detail of the model you’re working on by zooming your viewport camera in or out.
Shortcut: Alt + Left-Click and Drag
Function: Panning moves your camera in the plane you’re currently viewing by letting you strafe around.

Basic Sculpting Shortcuts
Shortcut: Q
Function: Activates the default Draw brush, which adds volume to your 3d model.
Shortcut: W
Function: Repositions selected parts of your model with the Move tool.
Shortcut: E
Function: Resizes the selected model or parts of the model with the Scale tool.
Shortcut: R
Function: Rotates the current model.
Shortcut: Ctrl + Left-Click and Drag
Function: Masks parts of the model to freeze or protect areas when 3D sculpting.
Clear Mask
Shortcut: Ctrl + Left-Click on empty canvas
Function: Removes any applied and existing masks.
Selection and Subtools
Select Rectangle
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Drag
Function: Selects multiple subtools or polygons using a rectangular-shaped selection.
Select Lasso
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon in the subtool palette
Function: Selects multiple objects or polygons using a freeform lasso selection.
Hide/Show Subtools
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Click on the eye icon next to a subtool
Function: Control the visibility of individual subtools.

Brush Controls
Brush Size
Shortcut: S
Function: Adjusts the size of the currently used brush.
Brush Intensity
Shortcut: U
Function: Controls the strength of brush strokes.
Toggle Symmetry
Shortcut: X
Function: Toggles on and off the symmetrical mirroring of sculpting actions across an axis.
Shortcut: Ctrl + Z
Function: Reverses the last action.
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Z
Function: Repeats an action that was undone.
File Management
Save Tool
Shortcut: Ctrl + S
Function: Saves the tool that’s presently active.
Save Project
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S
Function: Saves the entire project.
Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts for Power Users
The more experience you gain using ZBrush, the more you might want to explore more advanced shortcuts.
Shortcut: Ctrl and Drag on empty canvas (with Dynamesh active).
Function: Dynamesh can reorder model geography for a more consistent overall topology.
Shortcut: Can be personalized/set in the HotKey Manager
Function: Optimizes topology by reconstructing assets.
UV Master
Shortcut: Can be personalized/set in the HotKey Manager
Function: Optimizes the UV map and automatically generates UV coordinates.
Hotkeys that perform frequently used functions are great for streamlining your workflow. Take note of the tools and commands that you use a lot and assign shortcuts to them if they don’t already have designated hotkeys.
Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in ZBrush
Using ZBrush's Hotkey Manager, you can personalize your workflow by following these steps:
Go to Preferences > Hotkeys.
Look for the command you want to assign a shortcut to.
Click in the "Hotkey" column and press the desired key combination.
Click "Store" to save your custom shortcut.
When you need to transfer your personalized hotkey settings between machines or if you want to share them with others, the Hotkey Manager also has a useful save and export function that helps you do so easily.
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Here is a handy cheat sheet of the shortcuts we’ve discussed so far.
ZBrush Shortcut Guide
Navigation & View Control
Rotate View → Left-Click & Drag (Empty Canvas)
Rotates the view around your subject.Zoom → Alt + Left-Click & Drag (Release Alt)
Controls the zoom level.Pan → Alt + Left-Click & Drag
Moves the camera in the current view plane.
Basic Sculpting
Draw → Q
Activates the default Draw brush.Move → W
Repositions selected parts.Scale → E
Resizes selected parts.Rotate → R
Rotates the current model.Mask → Ctrl + Left-Click & Drag
Masks parts of the model.Clear Mask → Ctrl + Left-Click (Empty Canvas)
Removes existing masks.
Selection & Subtools
Select Rectangle → Ctrl + Shift + Drag
Selects multiple subtools/polygons.Select Lasso → Ctrl + Shift + Click (Subtool Icon)
Freeform selection.Hide/Show Subtools → Ctrl + Shift + Click (Eye Icon)
Toggles subtool visibility.
Brush Controls
Brush Size → S
Adjusts brush size.Brush Intensity → U
Controls brush strength.Toggle Symmetry → X
Toggles symmetry.
Undo → Ctrl + Z
Reverses the last action.Redo → Ctrl + Shift + Z
Repeats an undone action.
File Management
Save Tool → Ctrl + S
Saves the active tool.Save Project → Ctrl + Shift + S
Saves the entire project.
Advanced (Power Users)
Dynamesh → Ctrl & Drag (Empty Canvas, Dynamesh Active)
Re-topologizes model geometry.ZRemesher → Customizable
Optimizes topology.UV Master → Customizable
Optimizes and generates UV coordinates.
Supercharge Your ZBrush Workflow with Vagon
Mastering ZBrush keyboard shortcuts is a great way to speed up your sculpting workflow, but true efficiency comes from both software skills and the right hardware. High-poly models, advanced brushes, and real-time sculpting can quickly push your device to its limits—leading to frustrating lags and slow performance.
With Vagon’s high-performance cloud PCs, you don’t have to worry about system slowdowns. Whether you’re working on a complex character sculpt or a detailed environment, Vagon gives you access to powerful cloud machines equipped with high-end GPUs and ample RAM, ensuring smooth and responsive sculpting. Plus, you can run ZBrush on any device, from anywhere, without being tied to a single workstation.
Don’t let hardware limitations hold you back—try Vagon today and take your ZBrush workflow to the next level!
For users looking to take digital sculpting a bit more seriously, Mastering ZBrush keyboard shortcuts is an essential step. Using ZBrush keyboard shortcuts will increase your speed and efficiency and can let you focus on the creative side of the job. Practice consistently, be patient with your progress, and the results will eventually be apparent.
If you’re looking to up your digital sculpting game even further, try out Vagon’s high-performance cloud PCs for ZBrush today!
Q1: Can I customize keyboard shortcuts in ZBrush?
A: Yes, ZBrush has a Hotkey Manager that allows you to assign custom shortcuts to any commands or tools available in the program.
Q2: What are the most used shortcuts in ZBrush?
A: Users will most often use shortcuts for tools that move move the camera around for navigation, such as the Zoom, Pan, and Rotate tools. Keyboard shortcuts for basic sculpting tools are also often used.
Q3: How do I reset my hotkeys to the default in ZBrush?
A: If you’re looking to refresh all the edited and personalized shortcuts you’ve previously done in ZBrush, look In the Hotkey Preferences and there should be an option to reset to default. Be sure to save your personalized shortcuts first to undo this reset if needed.
Q4: Are there shortcuts for working with Subtools in ZBrush?
A: There are various shortcuts for selecting as well hiding and showing subtools. Ctrl+Shift+Click is frequently used in subtool management for these purposes.
Q5: Can I import custom hotkey settings in ZBrush?
A: You can save and export your custom hotkey configurations and then import them into ZBrush. This is helpful for transferring your settings between computers and sharing between users.
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