Creative Interview: Alexy Prefontaine / CGI Artist

Creative Interview: Alexy Prefontaine / CGI Artist

Creative Interview: Alexy Prefontaine / CGI Artist




economics, art and culture lover

Published on August 28, 2020

Published on August 28, 2020

Published on August 28, 2020

Table of Contents

Alexy Préfontaine, is a 3D artist from Montreal, Canada and his work is all about colors, balance and emotion.

Blending surreal landscapes and digital portraiture, he has managed to craft a distinct style over the years and develop a keen eye for details, while focusing on the emotional impact.

You can check his portfolio from his own website.

Here is our short interview with him about his works, how he get inspired and his daily routines.

In which part of the day do you feel more productive?

Strangely enough, I think I’m most productive from 9PM to 1AM! I don’t know why, I think it’s due to the lack of distractions late at night.

When I get really focused I can get a lot of work done at the end of the day.

Which softwares do you use while creating?

For my work, I use these software: Cinema4D, Octane Render, Marvelous Designer, DAZ Studio, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and sometimes I use Oculus Medium!

Which one of your projects you like the most and how did you come up with the idea of creating it?

I’d say my project “FELICITY” which is an art direction concept for Hologramme’s album Felicity.

This was my final project for my BFA in graphic design, thus one of my biggest ones so far! The initial idea was to see how using different techniques would have an impact on my visual style.

It resulted in the conception of a music video for the album’s introduction track and a vinyl sleeve design, accompanied by its very own booklet.

You can view the whole project here

How do you see the future of digital art in 10 years?

I think digital art strives more and more over the years. I am convinced that this medium will be extremely relevant in the future, especially since technologies will have grown exponentially by then.

I am really excited to see what the future holds for digital artists in ten years. AR and VR will be even more refined so we might have to adapt ourselves to be able to create work for these technologies.

How do you handle 3D work while you are away from the office? Do you feel the need of a remote computer?

I have to admit that I spend a lot of time at home working on my PC so I seldom have to handle any work when I’m away!

However, if ever I get to travel for work in the next few years, I feel like having a remote computer could be useful if I don’t have a really powerful laptop by then.

This seems like the best way to have access to a powerful machine when you don’t have one for yourself when you’re away.

As vagon team, we really enjoyed while talking with him and really love Alexy’s amazing 3D projects.

Stay tuned for our upcoming vagon community interviews!

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