Creative Interview: Clement Mazieres / Designer

Creative Interview: Clement Mazieres / Designer

Creative Interview: Clement Mazieres / Designer




economics, art and culture lover

Published on August 7, 2020

Published on August 7, 2020

Published on August 7, 2020

Table of Contents

Clement Mazieres lives in Bordeaux, France and he creates beautiful loops inspired by physics toys and kinetic objects.

We really love his works, and can’t take our eyes from them.

If you would like to learn more about him and his works, just look at our quick interview and don’t forget to check his website.

What is your daily routine? In which part of the day do you feel more productive?

It starts every morning in the same way with a coffee and reading emails but it evolves throughout the day. The days are punctuated by customers.

On calmer days, I take the opportunity to deepen my knowledge. Being self-taught in 3D, I always have things to learn.

There is not really a schedule or I am more productive but I like to work in the evening. When everyone is sleeping.

How do you get inspired, storytelling wise?

I find inspiration in what surrounds me. The objects and movements of everyday life. I also find it in “physic” objects and toys.

Which softwares do you use while creating?

I use the Adobe suite, mainly Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, Cinema 4D and Octane Render for 3D rendering.

Is your computer’s hardware enough to achieve your creative goals? What’s your computer hardware specs?

It depends on the software.

With the Adobe suite, I have no problem and I manage to reach my goal.

In 3D is a little different and I can’t always do what I want without spending 40 hours of export for a few seconds of animations.

I went from macOS to Windows to be able to make a custom gaming PC, even if I don’t play.

Which communities and platforms do you follow to stay up to date?

Passionate about 3D, Instagram is a good platform.

Obviously sites like Behance or Dribbble are very good platforms to stay up to date.

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