Solutions for Common Unreal Engine Problems

Solutions for Common Unreal Engine Problems

Solutions for Common Unreal Engine Problems

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Unreal Engine 4 and 5 are both incredible game engines responsible for many of the best games we play today. While it is powerful and efficient, Unreal Engine can encounter issues that affect its functionality. Whether you’re dealing with Unreal Engine problems or specific Unreal Engine 5 issues, understanding how to troubleshoot can make all the difference.

Problems with blueprints, plugins, or the shader are common and can be pretty frustrating if you are a designer or developer. Thankfully, there are solutions to them which we are going to cover.

unreal engine designer

Photo by Arian Darvishi on Unsplash

Shader Errors in Unreal Engine

A functional shader is vital to designing a game that simulates reality, but shader errors are a common Unreal Engine problem that can affect your game's visual quality. The shader is the graphics component responsible for creating visual effects that simulate a realistic look of the game.

Shading errors often affect graphics quality and the overall performance of your game. A common shading error is a compilation error.

Compilation errors occur from a mistake in your shader file code which stops them from compiling as they should. There could be several causes:

  • Syntax Errors

  • Incorrect Configurations

  • Missing Dependencies

Solutions for Shader Errors

  • Check the shader code for syntax errors: Syntax errors are the most common with shader issues. If you are unfamiliar with syntax or don’t know how to identify it, use an integrated development environment (IDE) or code editor to help you identify errors.

  • Review your inputs: If your inputs are incorrectly defined or inaccessible, the shader won’t function correctly.

  • Check file formats: Ensure that your files are saved in the correct format, referenced correctly, and saved in the suitable file destinations.

For those exploring other aspects of the engine, check out these top Unreal Engine courses and classes to deepen your skills.

Plugin Caused Errors

Plugins are assets that help you level up your project and enable developers to integrate third-party plugins that extend and improve Unreal Engine’s functionality. Unfortunately, plugins often have issues meshing with the Unreal Engine system, leading to Unreal Engine error messages.

Plugin errors can occur when certain dependencies are missing or when they’re incompatible with the Unreal Engine latest release.

Solutions for Plugin Errors in Unreal Engine

There are three possible solutions:

  1. Check compatibility: Ensure the plugin is compatible with your version of Unreal Engine. You can usually see the supported versions of the plugin prior to installing it.

  2. Update the plugin: Make sure the plugin isn’t old or out of date. If there are any available updates, it's best to do so and could also be the solution to your problem.

  3. Reinstall the plugin: Remove the plugin and install it again. While it usually won’t solve the issue, it’s worth a try.

If all else fails, it’s best to look for a similar plugin with the same features. If you're unsure whether Unreal Engine is the right choice for your project, you might want to explore how it compares to Unity.

Packaged Build Errors

Another common issue game developers often face is packaging build errors. These errors result from missing or incorrect game files, often surfacing as Unreal Engine issues during the distribution phase, such as when Unreal Engine games are not working. This reflects poorly on us as game designers and developers, so it's essential to iron out any issues before distribution.

Solution for Packaged Build Errors

  • Ensure correct configuration: Make sure the package settings are configured to your target platform and that every dependency is referenced correctly.

  • Import necessary assets: Ensure that all necessary assets are correctly imported to avoid issues.

  • Check for missing or corrupted files: Ensure there aren’t any missing or corrupted files, as these might be the root of your packaging build error. Different engine components can also conflict during deployment.

If you’re working in a team, consider learning how to create multiplayer Unreal Engine experiences to avoid these issues early on.

Blueprint Errors

Blueprints are vital to creating a functioning and immersive gaming experience. In Unreal Engine, the blueprint feature allows designers and developers to create game logic without writing the code from scratch. Some common blueprint errors include:

  • Incorrect Node Connections

  • Missing Variable Type

  • Incorrect Variable Types

Incorrect node connections are the most common ones. This happens when your blueprint nodes are not well-connected or are possibly connected to the wrong pins (input/output).

Solutions for Blueprint Errors

  • Ensure correct blueprint logic: Make sure that your blueprint logic is set up correctly and that the nodes match the correct pins. Use Unreal Engine’s debugging tools to help identify issues.

  • Double-check variables: Ensure that variables are correctly defined and accessible. Missing or incorrect variables can mess with your blueprint.

General Unreal Engine Issues & Fixes

One of the most frustrating things to experience as a game designer using Unreal Engine is that it has a habit of crashing. While this Unreal Engine issue isn’t necessarily a fault on their side, it can be a nuisance but also quickly resolved because it can no longer function within its environment. Sometimes, Unreal Engine 5 optimization and adjusting Unreal Engine graphics settings can prevent crashes and other issues.

Common Causes and Fixes:

  1. Unreal Engine version may need an update: Check online for the latest version and compare it with your own.

  2. Your graphics card driver may need to be updated: Check the latest driver release and ensure it’s up to date.

  3. You may have installed the Epic Games launcher from an incorrect file: Try reinstalling the Epic Games launcher from the official website.

  4. You may have overclocked your CPU or graphics card for too long: You may have overclocked your CPU or graphics card for too long, which is a common cause of Unreal Engine 5 problems. Reset your clocking speeds or let the PC cool down.

  5. Your integrated graphics card may need to be more powerful to run Unreal Engine: Try using a dedicated graphics card.

  6. System files may be corrupted: Try using a system file checker to repair any corrupted files.

  7. Your TDR settings may be incorrect: Try adjusting your TDR settings.

  8. Third-party antivirus software may be interfering with Unreal Engine: Try disabling your antivirus software or adding Unreal Engine to its list of exceptions.

For tips on optimizing performance, especially on different hardware, check out our guide on using Unreal Engine on a cloud computer.

Additional Solutions

In addition to the solutions above, you can use software designed to optimize your PC’s performance. Instead of fully upgrading your computer to solve Unreal Engine 5 problems or dealing with Unreal Engine not working, software like Vagon helps you improve your device’s overall proficiency by running through a cloud network.

How to Uninstall Unreal Engine 5 from Epic Games

If you’re experiencing persistent Unreal Engine 5 issues and need a fresh start, you might consider uninstalling the engine. To uninstall Unreal Engine 5 from Epic Games, navigate to the Epic Games launcher, select the engine version, and click 'Uninstall.' This can resolve some Unreal Engine problems by clearing out corrupted files or incorrect installations.

Redefine Your Unreal Engine Experience with Vagon Cloud Computers

Ready to overcome Unreal Engine issues and take your game development to the next level? With Vagon’s high-performance cloud PCs, you can optimize Unreal Engine 5's performance and minimize problems like shader errors and crashes. Vagon's powerful cloud infrastructure allows you to run Unreal Engine seamlessly, whether you're dealing with complex graphics or large-scale projects. Access your workspace from anywhere and experience smoother, faster game development. Try Vagon today and eliminate the hassle of hardware limitations.


There is always a solution, whether you have plugin, blueprint, or shading errors. These solutions will add to your ability to self-troubleshoot so that you can get back on track designing amazing games through Unreal Engine. To further your expertise, explore our complete guide to Unreal Engine or discover the top game development companies using Unreal Engine.


  1. What are common Unreal Engine 5 problems?

    • Unreal Engine 5 problems often include shader errors, plugin incompatibilities, and performance issues related to graphics settings.

  2. How do I fix Unreal Engine crashing issues?

    • To fix Unreal Engine crashing issues, try updating the engine to the latest release, adjusting your graphics settings, or using a system file checker to repair corrupted files.

  3. What causes Unreal Engine to display a fatal error?

    • Unreal Engine fatal errors can be caused by outdated drivers, incompatible plugins, or corrupted game files.

  4. How do I uninstall Unreal Engine 5 from Epic Games?

    • To uninstall Unreal Engine 5 from Epic Games, open the Epic Games launcher, select the engine version, and click 'Uninstall.' This can help resolve persistent issues.

  5. Why are my Unreal Engine games not working?

    • Unreal Engine games may not work due to missing dependencies, incorrect configurations, or outdated plugins. Ensuring all assets and files are correctly imported and configured can help.

  6. How can I optimize Unreal Engine 5 performance?

    • You can optimize Unreal Engine 5 performance by adjusting graphics settings, ensuring your drivers are up to date, and using cloud-based solutions like Vagon to enhance your system's capabilities.

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