How to Stop Final Cut Pro from Crashing

How to Stop Final Cut Pro from Crashing

How to Stop Final Cut Pro from Crashing

Updated on October 26, 2023

Updated on October 26, 2023

Updated on October 26, 2023




Illustrator & Video Production

Published on July 4, 2022

Published on July 4, 2022

Published on July 4, 2022

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Final Cut Pro is one of the best programs on the market for video editing. For decades, pros in every industry have used the software to create short films, commercials, presentations, viral videos, and more.

Photo by Matthew Sichkaruk on Unsplash

One of the biggest stresses with Final Cut Pro is how it can crash from time to time. While this isn’t always the fault of the software, it can be irritating to lose data and have to restart the program regularly. On the plus side, there are ways to prevent Final Cut Pro crashes.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the best Final Cut Pro tips and tricks for avoiding crashes. Try one or any of these tips and see if they help you avoid stressful Final Cut Pro crashes in the future.

Tip 1: Close All Other Software

Sometimes the biggest reason that Final Cut Pro is crashing is due to other CPU-intensive software running on your computer. Closing other programs that aren’t important to your current work can quickly speed up your entire system.

Software such as internet browsers, email programs, and video games can all take up a lot of computing power. Closing down these programs will leave more CPU power and RAM available for Final Cut Pro to use for rendering your videos.

Tip 2: Restart Your Computer

If Final Cut Pro crashes on a regular basis and you have closed as many programs as possible on your computer, a simple restart may be able to help. Rebooting your system clears out everything from temporary cache to turning off background processes. With a fresh restart of your computer, Final Cut Pro will have no other heavy software to compete with.

When your computer boots up again, be sure to only open Final Cut Pro. That way, you don’t have to worry about many background processes pulling valuable resources away from your video editing.

Tip 3: Cool Your Computer

Many times, computers will slow down or allow programs to crash as a way to save themselves from heat damage. When the computer’s internal temperature reaches a certain mark, the whole system may shut down. However, it’s possible to change those settings with special software.

Downloading a cooling system program can give you access to your system fans and cooling devices. You can use this to speed up your fans or raise the emergency temperature that was preset by your computer’s manufacturer.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

WARNING: Your computer has these temperature settings for a reason. If your computer is overheating in any way and it continues to run, you run the risk of damage or fire. It may be best to add cooling components to your system to counteract any heating issues before raising the preset emergency temperature.

Tip 4: Clear Out Render Files

Final Cut Pro crashing is commonly linked to the amount of data within the program. Removing this data can save you a lot of stress. Some of the most CPU-intensive data includes render files that the program creates as you edit.

While you’re editing and scrubbing through video clips, Final Cut Pro will generate short clips so you can see a good quality version of your video. When too many of these are created, it’s time to clear them out.

Go to FILE, then DELETE GENERATED CLIP FILES. Select all the checkboxes and select OK. This Final Cut Pro track will remove a lot of data you no longer need, clearing up space for new clips as you continue your edits.

Tip 5: Utilize Cloud Computing with Vagon

One of the best ways to stop Final Cut Pro from crashing is to use cloud computing. Over the past few years, cloud computing has gone from a storage system to a way to handle CPU-intensive work.

If you’re tired of battling crashes while editing on Final Cut Pro, it’s time to break free. With Vagon, you gain access to powerful cloud PCs that can handle your editing tasks with ease, providing a seamless, crash-free experience. Say goodbye to disruptions and hello to faster, smoother editing sessions.

Sign up for a cloud computing program and choose the level of service you need. Most services offer a range of options, from single-computer systems to powerful, multi-computer setups. Link your Final Cut Pro to the cloud computer(s) and use the cloud to carry the burden of your rendering.

Tip 6: Close Unused Libraries

Libraries are a great tool in Final Cut Pro. They provide you with an organized place to hold video clips, images, audio, and other project assets. However, having multiple libraries open at once can really slow down the program.

If you’re not currently using a library, simply close it to save CPU and RAM power for other tasks. Just right-click on the top of the library and select CLOSE. Now Final Cut Pro won’t have to struggle to keep library data readily available and the computer will have extra power available for your work.

Tip 7: Reset NVRAM

NVRAM, or non-volatile memory, is a part of a computer that stores data even after the computer is powered off. This can be helpful in a number of situations, but it can also be a burden for programs like Final Cut Pro. Resetting your NVRAM could be a great Final Cut Pro trick if the software keeps crashing on you.

To reset your NVRAM, reboot your system. While it reboots, hold down OPTION + COMMAND + P + R for 20 seconds. The computer should look like it’s restarting again. Once it loads up, your NVRAM should be cleared of all unnecessary data.

These are the best Final Cut Pro tips and tricks for avoiding crashes. Each computer and user experience will be different, but at least one of these tips should help lower the number of times Final Cut Pro crashes on you. Try these tips and enjoy better video editing in the future.

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