Blender Shortcuts & Hotkeys - Quick Commands, Quicker Results

Blender Shortcuts & Hotkeys - Quick Commands, Quicker Results

Blender Shortcuts & Hotkeys - Quick Commands, Quicker Results

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Table of Contents

Blender is one of the most popular pieces of software for 3D modeling and animation. Even though it is free and open-source, digital artists can utilize it in ways that rival some of the best-paid options—for example, it's been used to create hundreds of high-quality animated short films.

One important step to becoming more efficient with Blender is mastering Blender shortcuts and increasing how fast you can get things done in the program. Knowing Blender hotkeys and shortcuts like the back of your hand is one of the fastest ways to achieve this. This article will take you through some of the most important ones to know.

The Essentials of Blender’s Interface

There’s a lot of functionality packed into Blender, and the interface that greets you when you launch the program might clue you in on that. However, it can be unnecessarily time-consuming to dive into the Mesh menu and select Extrude each time you want to pull out a face. If you're just starting out, you might want to check out our Complete Guide to Blender 3D for Beginners for a comprehensive overview of the basics.

There’s a lot that Blender shortcut keys and hotkeys can do when it comes to speeding up your productivity in Blender. For those exploring different aspects of Blender, understanding essential tools like Eevee can also enhance your workflow, allowing for smoother transitions between tasks. Let’s start with the essentials.

Navigating Through Menus with Hotkeys

The basic Blender menus, located in the upper-left corner of the window, contain actions that you’re bound to use, whether you’re a beginner learning from a Blender course, or an expert. Let’s cover a few common Blender commands and Blender hotkeys that span these menus.

  • File Menu:

    • New File: Ctrl + N

    • Open File: Ctrl + O

    • Save File: Ctrl + S

    • Save File As…: Shift + Ctrl + S

    • Quit Blender: Ctrl + Q

  • Edit Menu:

    • Undo: Ctrl + Z

    • Redo: Ctrl + Y

    • Repeat Last Action: Shift + R

    • Menu Search: F3

    • Rename: F2

  • Render Menu:

    • Render Image: F12

    • Render Animation: Ctrl + F12

    • View Image: F11

    • View Animation: Ctrl + F11

  • Window Menu:

    • Next Workspace: Ctrl + Page Down

    • Previous Workspace: Ctrl + Page Up

Understanding the Tool Shelf and its Shortcuts

The Tool Shelf is the vertical panel on the left side of the Blender window, housing Blender basic controls and tools essential for any workflow. This gives you access to a different set of tools depending on which Workspace you’re in. After all, the tools you use for modeling are different from tools for sculpting.

If you’re actively working on a model, you don’t need to move to the left side of the screen each time you want to change a tool. Just hold down Shift + Space and this will bring up a mini version of the Tool Shelf right where your mouse is. You’ll even see what letter you can press as a shortcut to choose any of the tools from the list. When working with tools like the 3D cursor, mastering shortcuts can significantly improve your efficiency and precision.

Customizing Your Workflow

Blender keyboard shortcuts are great, but as you gain more experience, you might want to explore advanced techniques like UV mapping that can further enhance your workflow. Personalizing hotkeys is one such tip. Let’s get into how you can do that.

Creating and Assigning Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts

If you find certain Blender shortcut keys to be inconvenient or you'd prefer something easier to remember, you can use the Keymap Editor to customize them.

  1. Click on the Edit menu from the topbar.

  2. Choose Preferences.

  3. Select Keymap.

  4. You’ll see tens of collapsible tabs at the bottom, and these hold hundreds of actions whose key mappings you can view and change.

Tips for Managing and Personalizing Hotkeys

You might be unsure where to start when creating your own Blender keyboard shortcuts. Here are some tips you can follow.

  • Familiarize yourself with the defaults that you use the most. Identify the ones that work for you and the ones you’d like changed.

  • Get an idea of the actions that you use the most and prioritize changing those first.

  • Watch out for key binding conflicts. Since there are hundreds of preset shortcuts, you want to make sure that you don’t cancel an existing one out.

  • Adding modifier keys like Ctrl, Shift, or Alt will give you more possible key combinations than if you didn’t use them.

Key Shortcuts for Enhanced Productivity

If you’re a more experienced user, like one who is already applying CGI materials and needs to see how they look from all angles, some quick Blender modeling shortcuts and Blender commands can really optimize your workflow in the program.

Vagon’s high-performance remote desktops offer the ideal environment for you to optimize your Blender projects to their fullest, free from any system limitations. Dive deep into the world of animation, digital art, and more without any hardware barriers.

You can also check out our GPU Guide for tips to use GPU, along with speed up and acceleration tips for Blender 3D.

Tools in the Menu and Their Shortcuts

There are certain Blender controls that you can access from the Tool Shelf, but they tend to be used so often that not learning their Blender shortcut keys will make it incredibly difficult to speed up your workflow. Below are a few of these essential tool shortcuts:

  • Move (or Grab) Object: G

  • Rotate Object: R

  • Scale Object: S

  • Open the Add Menu: Shift + A

  • Rotate View: Press the middle mouse button and drag.

  • Pan View: Shift + Middle Mouse Button

  • Zoom View: Mouse Scroll Wheel

  • Duplicate: Shift + D

  • Switch Between Edit Mode and Object Mode: Tab

The Importance of Hotkeys in Edit Mode

Using Tab, you can switch between Edit Mode and Object Mode, making it one of the most essential Blender Edit Mode shortcuts to remember. When in Edit Mode, you can start modifying the structure of the model. Many tools in this mode allow you to manipulate a model into your desired shape. Reaching for each one manually can slow you down, so hotkeys are important here.

  • Extrude: E

  • Fill: F

  • Bevel: Ctrl + B

  • Loop Cut and Slide: Ctrl + R

  • Select Linked Vertices: L

  • Deselect Linked Vertices: Shift + L

  • Unwrap Mesh: U

  • Enable Proportional Editing: O

Advanced Techniques and Shortcuts

If you’re an enthusiast, you might consider what we’ve covered already to be Blender tips for beginners. At this point, you’re more concerned with productivity-boosting add-ons, Blender all shortcut keys, and more advanced Blender hotkeys. Let’s get into some shortcuts that are more useful for your skill level.

Customizing Shortcuts for Vertex, Edge, and Face Selection

As a pro, you know that using 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard’s number row can switch between the vertex, edge, and face select modes respectively.

However, you can change these Blender Edit Mode shortcuts to something else if the numbers aren’t convenient for you. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the Edit menu near the top-left corner of the window.

  2. Select Preferences.

  3. Choose Keymap from the left side of the window.

  4. Expand the 3D View menu.

  5. Expand Mesh, and then Mesh (Global).

  6. You’ll see several Select Mode options, but the first three, with the keys 1, 2, and 3, mapped, are the ones that align with Vertex, Edge, and Face Select Mode.

  7. Modify them as you please.

Advanced Editing with Keymap Library

The Keymap section in Preferences contains the mappings for every Blender shortcut, making it an excellent reference for learning new hotkeys and customizing them.

If you’re an advanced user, you might be able to make things more efficient by diving into this library and personalizing your shortcuts.

Enhance Your Blender Workflow with Vagon

Maximize the potential of your Blender projects by leveraging Vagon’s high-performance cloud PCs. With powerful specs like 48 cores, 4 x 24GB RTX-enabled Nvidia GPUs, and 192GB of RAM, Vagon ensures that your rendering and modeling tasks are completed without any hardware limitations. Whether you’re customizing Blender hotkeys or diving into advanced techniques, Vagon provides a seamless experience, accessible directly from your browser. Try Vagon today and take your Blender workflow to the next level.


Blender is loved for many reasons: it is free, it is open-source, and it is powerful. But it is also extremely customizable, providing you with hundreds of hotkeys and shortcuts that you can change to your preference.

This article is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Blender shortcut lists and Blender hotkeys you can take advantage of. Give these ones a shot to see how they improve your productivity, and explore Vagon to see how high-performance cloud computing can break you past the constraints of a low-end device.


  1. What are the most essential Blender shortcut keys for beginners?

    • Understanding the basic Blender shortcut keys is crucial for beginners to streamline their workflow and get familiar with the software’s interface.

  2. How can I customize Blender hotkeys to fit my workflow?

    • Customizing Blender hotkeys is a great way to make the software more intuitive and suited to your personal preferences.

  3. What are the key Blender shortcuts for Edit Mode?

    • Blender Edit Mode shortcuts are essential for manipulating models efficiently. Learn the key shortcuts to enhance your modeling process.

  4. Why should I use Blender shortcut keys instead of menus?

    • Using Blender shortcut keys can significantly speed up your workflow by reducing the time spent navigating through menus.

  5. How do I find a complete list of all Blender shortcuts?

    • Blender provides a comprehensive list of all shortcuts within its Keymap Editor, which can be customized to fit your needs.

  6. What are the best Blender hotkeys for advanced users?

    • Advanced users benefit from specific Blender hotkeys that enhance productivity, particularly in complex modeling and animation tasks.

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